Thursday, 15 August 2013

Ways To Show An Online Guy You Like Him

If you have never tried to capture the heart of an online cutie
before, you might be wondering about some good ways to show an
online guy you like him. Unfortunately you can't use the tried and
true tactics, such as flirtatious body language, to get your point
So what's a girl to do? Don't worry girls because I'm going to reveal
a few great ways to show an online guy you like him.
The first step in any romance begins with a greeting and online is
no different. Be the brazen one and send him a simple greeting
such as "hey" whenever he comes online. One of the best ways to
show an online guy you like him is to greet him the moment he
comes online. He will get the hint that you are happy to see him. A
good way to test your crush's interest after you have had a few
chats, is to wait and see if he initiates conversations in the future.
Flirting is a bit tricky when its done online. Unless you have a
webcam, you need to rely heavily on flirty emoticons to convey
facial expressions. Flirty emoticons are created using colons,
semicolons and letters in a variety of ways. Some good emoticon
choices include the winky smiley face, the winky smiley face with
its tongue sticking out, smiley face, the kiss and the smirk.
Although there are endless topics to talk about with a guy, your
overall tone should be laidback and happy. Avoid complaining
because its likely to annoy and bore him. Another thing you
shouldn't do is to tell him that you hate certain aspects of your
body such as your hips because it will seem like you are fishing for
compliments and lack confidence. Keep things light, fun and
If the two of you click, then the conversation will naturally flow
without awkward silences filled with "…" on your computer screen.
If phone silence is dreadful, online silence is just as bad because a
conversation can go from playful banter to an abrupt silence
where imaginary virtual crickets can be heard chirping in the
background. So to minimize the chance of that awfulness from
happening, think of some easy questions ahead of time to to ask
him. As he talks about himself, sprinkle flirtatious innuendos
throughout the conversation so he gets the feeling that you like
him as more than a friend.
Guys love girls that have a great sense of humor so don't be afraid
to share yours. Show him that you enjoy the funny things in life by
e-mailing him funny pics, jokes or sayings. If you are Facebook
friends, post funny pics or quotes on your wall that are related to
a topic that you discussed in a previous conversation. If he posts
something funny, make sure to compliment him on it next time you
chat with him.
Hopefully that gives you a few ideas that will help you snag your
online crush.
Ladies, do you have other ideas that will help a girl show an online
guy she is crushing on him?

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