Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Relationships – Top 6 Social Habits You Should Avoid.

 Social Habits You Should
Whether you are talking up a cute
girl or taking lunch with some dude,
you always want to put your best
foot forward, and that means more
than telling a funny joke. Here is a
list of the top social tics to avoid in
communication, dating or
relationship. Body language is important, as is actual language
used and the direction in which your eyes are focused. So
check out this list to see if you are guilty of any of these and
make amends.
Picking at your body
When some guys are nervous, they get twitchy. They scratch
their noses every two seconds or repeatedly run their fingers
through their hair. Constantly touching and adjusting yourself
shows that you’re nervous. It can even gross some people out.
So keep your hands under control. It’s important to seem
steady and relaxed.
2. Interrupting people
We all like to be the center of attention. But it is important to
recognize that there is a good center of attention and bad
center of attention. It is good to be charismatic, funny, and
engaging. It is bad to interrupt and talk over people.
Interrupting people is rude. Wait for an acceptable opening
before speaking. You don’t want to look like you’re trying too
hard to get noticed.
3. The jitters
You know that vibrating leg thing you do sometimes when you
are uncomfortable or waiting impatiently? That thing where
your leg gyrates like a coin-operated washing machine, subtly
shaking everything within a five-foot radius? Don’t do that
thing. No one is rubbing your belly — at least we hope not. No
guy gets the jitters when he is calm and relaxed, so when you
do it, you are essentially telling the world that you’re on edge.
4. Shifty Eyes
Shifty eyes comprise another social tic to avoid. When
engaging someone in conversation, your eyes communicate
almost as much as your mouth does. Try to keep your eyes
from darting back and forth uncontrollably. We know it can
sometimes be intimidating to maintain eye contact with a
pretty girl or an handsome guy, but constantly scanning the
room like you’re waiting for the Navy SEALs to bust in makes
you look shifty. If you’re talking to a woman, it’s especially
important to keep your eyes in check. Specifically, don’t let
them roam too much. When you check out the girl in the next
booth over, she notices — “she” being your date and not the
girl. And when you glance at her cleavage, she notices that
5. Swearing
Sometimes a well-placed swearword can really get the point
across. Sometimes it adds a bit of sauce to a joke or humor to
an anecdote, but you have to be careful with salty language.
Not everyone uses it, and some people are offended by it. As
a general rule, don’t swear when you are trying to pass a
message across. Don’t swear in the company of people you
don’t know well. Be especially careful around women. There’s
still something to be said about watching your mouth in front
of a lady or a guy.
6. Glancing at your phone
Despite what you have heard, you don’t actually need to be
connected to your entire social network 24/7. Constantly
glancing at your phone is the most infuriating social tic of the
21st century. Are you really so important that you need to be
on call at all times? Take a break from your Blackberry and
have a real-life conversation. When meeting someone new,
either turn off your phone or risk turning them off for good.
If you want, you can even plainly show that you are turning it
off. Whoever you are with will be flattered by your show of
undivided attention.

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