want to get over that person or do you just want to stop
obsessing over them? Sometimes, clarity is all you need to
progress and face reality.
#2 Look for closure. Don't ignore the incident or avoid thinking
about it. Instead, accept the fact that the event happened. Spend
a day or two brooding over it by yourself and once you feel
saturated by thoughts, let go and move on.
#3 Don't feign memory loss. Don't pretend like you don't miss that
person. Don't try to forget that this person existed. Instead, just
focus on ways to avoid getting affected by it. [Read: Can you
really be friends with an ex?]
#4 Find someone else to think about. If you want to stop thinking
about someone, the easiest and perfect way is to find someone
else to think about. Create a distraction and start obsessing about
someone else. It'll work wonders.
#5 Don't look for ways to contact them or bump into them. It's
easy to fantasize about circumstances and happy reunions.
Instead, give up on plotting ways to contact them and accept the
fact that you are looking for ways to stop thinking of them.
[Reads:Signs your ex is really thinking about you]
#6 Think of their negative traits. If you're smitten by someone,
it's time to knock them off your pedestal of awesomeness. Think
of it, this person wasn't as perfect as you imagined them to be. If
you want to avoid falling in love with them, remember all their
flaws and heighten them.
#7 Don't be depressed. It's easy to get depressed and suffer
from low self esteem, especially when you feel like someone's
walked all over you. Have a laugh yourself and enjoy a good time.
Watch funny youtube videos or a comedy to remind yourself of
how it feels to laugh. [Read: A facebook breakup that led to a
#8 Don't stay idle. An idle mind is a devil's workshop. Heard that
one before, haven't you? In this case, it'll be the workshop of the
one you're thinking about. You do know it's stupid to give this
person any more space and time on your mind. So keep yourself
occupied and avoid thinking of this person.
#9 Don't stalk them, online or offline. Social networks have made
it so much easier to stalk exes and crushes. While it may seem like a
gift, it's still a curse. You'll never move on unless you keep all news
of this person away. [Read: Are you googling your ex often?]
#10 Respect yourself. This *special someone* walked all over
you by treating you like dirt. They don't respect you nor do they
care about you. Do you think you respect yourself enough? If you
do, why are you humiliating yourself by obsessing about someone
who clearly doesn't deserve any of your time or love?
#11 Learn a new activity. Learn or do something that's always
excited you, be it playing games or joining a dance class. It'll fill your
mind with fresh, happy thoughts that'll eventually wipe away all
traces of the person you're trying to get over.
#12 Don't criticize yourself. Don't try to pick flaws in yourself
and find reasons for their behavior. Sometimes, some people are
just selfish or they just suck. There's nothing wrong with you.
#13 Avoid romantic movies. Avoid romantic movies, songs and
shows. It'll just stir up all those locked emotions and turn you into a
sadist who loves torturing yourself. Watch fun movies or for
something even better, watch wild sexy movies involving lots of
friends or single people.
#14 Visit new places or go on a vacation. Sometimes, all you need
is a fabulous vacation with friends to clear your mind and focus on
new things. You'll come back feeling a lot better. [Read: Do you
think you're jealous of your ex?]
#15 Accept the fact that they've moved on. Remind yourself that
they've moved on and forgotten all about you. You know what, this
person doesn't even care about you anymore! They're probably
thinking of someone else right now. Disgusts you, doesn't it? Well,
accept the fact and let that give you the strength.
#16 Don't talk about that person with your friends. Indulge in
gossip, but avoid talking about this person even if it feels sickly
satisfying to talk about them.
#17 Pretend like you're having fun. Don't let your chin hit the floor.
As screwed up as your life may seem right now, all it takes is your
initiate to move on. Go out, meet people, pretend like you're having
fun and you'll start having fun without realizing it.
#18 Get yourself a rebound relationship. Were you dating this
person? Did you have a crush? Or was it just a friend? Your ex
relationship status doesn't matter here. All that matters is you
finding a way to replace them in your life. We feel bad because of
the sudden emptiness that's in our hearts. Fill that up and you'll
feel no pain at all! [Read:Ways in which a rebound relationship can
be good for you]
#19 Clingy and powerful opposites. Don't let this person know
that you're hurting. Remember this, the clingy person who's having
a hard time moving on is the weak person in the relationship. And
the more weaker and clingier you behave, the more easy you'll
make it for the other person to get over you. Do you really want to
make it that easy for them? [Read: Should you date your ex
#20 Remember that it will all pass. There is no short term plan or
a silver bullet here. If you want to know how to stop thinking
about someone, you need to take an initiative and have patience.
You may not stop liking them today or tomorrow, but it'll happen
sooner than you know. All it needs is your strength.
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