Sunday, 25 August 2013

For COUPLES......How To Keep Your Marriage Fun

Marriage is most certainly a lot of work. Some couples get caught
up in the work and forget about having fun together. Sometimes a
marriage becomes more about raising children then it does the
happiness of a couple. So, how do you keep your marriage fun? If
you find yourself asking this question, don't worry. There are
plenty of ways to inject some life into the monotony that
sometimes becomes a marriage.
Often, the first step in rekindling a fun marriage is just
acknowledging that there needs to be a change. If you and your
spouse agree that both of you want to make changes and have
more fun, the hardest part is over. Recognizing that something is
wrong is often the step that most couples miss. Many selfless
parents simply repress their needs in order to tend to their
children. This might work for a short time, but, ultimately, this
repression ends up growing into something much bigger that will
rear its ugly head later. Since you both agree that it is time to
start having some fun, you can now start planning your nights out.
What many couples do in this situation is plan a weekly date night.
Sometimes it is impossible to get more than one night out, so start
small. Make sure that your date night together is just as much a
priority as anything else. If you need to pay for a babysitter, don't
hesitate to do so. This is a necessity. If you end up canceling your
date nights for various reasons, things will only go back to the
way they used to be. You have to keep up with your routine.
Perhaps in the future, you will even be able to add a second date
night a week, but at least start with one.
Just as important as creating a routine is trying new things
together. If you simply keep seeing a movie every week or going to
the same eatery, your date night might become stale. Try new
things with your partner, things you have never done together.
This creates excitement and makes your time together feel new
again. You might end up really looking forward to this time
together, and for some couples, this is really what they need.
Enjoying each other's company is so important in any relationship.
Find things that are fun and get back to basics. Remember to take
things one step at a time and make small improvements.

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