Tuesday, 3 September 2013

10 Lies most Men tell

Well,these aren't always lies but it's upto you to decide what to
take and what to leave.
While lies come in all sizes and shades, here are the more common
fibs that the male of the species is more inclined to dish out—
sometimes to get out of a fix, often times to keep
his partner happy, and at other times because it’s ever so
convenient and hassle-free! Do, please, add your own to this list,
and let’s have fun making this list as long as his nose is likely to
grow if and when caught!
1. “I wasn’t checking her out.’ They will deny till they turn
blue in the face that they were checking out another woman while
you were very much in the vicinity. They’ll protest how you
accused them, they didn’t even register the presence of the sexy,
curvaceous woman in the mall, or airport, or wherever it is
such women frequent.
2. “I have not had a smoke/I have drastically cut down
on cigarettes.’ When you get on their case and nag them
about smoking, or have caught them almost red and nicotine-
handed, they insist the smoke you smell from their hair, clothes,
breath, or surroundings are from some far away source; it’s
certainly not them.
3. ‘It’s only you I fantasize about.’ When fantasizing about
someone in their dreamy moments, or when they seek self-
pleasure, it’s always with you in his mind, or so they’ll have you
believe. How can, they say, you even think they could have anyone
else on their mind. Who are they kidding? Let’s face it. Partners
are their reality; not fantasy.
4. ‘I was way too qualified for that organisation,
anyway.’ The pink slip he got had nothing to do with his position
being made redundant. He was just way too good for them!
5. ‘With the GPS, I own the road.’ Fact is even with
these technology playthings, many men are perfectly lost. Except
that his male pride will never let him admit that.
6. ‘I can’t stay without you more than a day.’ What lies!
The fact is no sooner you are gone than the party begins, or at
least the planning for one does.
7. ‘I wasn’t sleeping. I was thinking.’ They don’t like being
caught napping while at work or watching a movie, so you have to
know it’s just their way of putting on their thinking caps.
8. ‘I did not forget.’ If something slips from their mind like
sending that courier or asking the plumber to inspect that leaking
tap, it’s only because something more important came up, and
there were other pressing matters that had to be attended to.
Forgetfulness and them? Naah!
9. ‘We don’t think about that all the time.’ This one is a
half-lie. What they don’t tell you is that they are thinking about it
most of the time. In between work happens.It's not a bad
thing'women think about it more than men.
10. ‘I haven’t lost hair; I have gained face!’ How can his
male ego deal with hair loss? It’s a blow to his vanity. So anything,
really, to cling on to his youth and erstwhile crowning glory

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