Thursday, 31 October 2013

For Ladies: Ten Commandments For A Healthy V*gina

A healthy v**ina is equivalent to a healthy woman.
So, it is very important that all women should be
concerned about their vaginal health. If you want to
protect yourself from common yeast infections
and vaginal odour, then follow these simple Ten
Commandments to keep your v**ina healthy.
Never use soap – At times, the odour of your v**ina can be
very overpowering embarrassing, but at these times, avoid
cleaning your pubic area with soap or liquid cleanser. The
v**ina can stay clean by itself, as our body has a system for
it. Also, during menstruation, just wash it with water to
maintain good hygiene.
Stay away from vaginal sprays – You might think that
using a floral spray on your v**ina, will give it a sweet-
smelling scent, but this could actually ruin the pH level of your
v**ina and cause irritation and other problems.
Maintain good hygiene during your periods – For a
healthy v**ina, it is very important to follow proper hygiene
during menstruation. Never use your sanitary napkins for too
long. It absorbs blood and if used for a longer duration it can
cause bacteria build-up and lead to rashes and irritation.
Wear cotton panties – Choose cotton panties over other
material as they dry quickly and also allows passage of air,
which further helps in preventing yeast infections due to
damp conditions. So, avoid fancy underwear made from
fabrics like lace, silk or synthetic material.
Wear loose clothes – Wearing tight clothes like skinny
pants usually traps moisture and can lead to yeast infection
and rashes. So, it is very important to wear loose-fitting
Trim pubic hair – Maintain good vaginal health by regularly
trimming your pubic hair. Excess hair around your v**ina can
create a moist environment, which can cause bacteria to grow
leading to infection.
Do kegel exercises – Kegel exercise will help to strengthen
your pelvic muscles and also help you enjoy s*x. While you
urinate, try stopping your urine midstream, by tightening your
muscles for few seconds and then release them.
Drink plenty of water – The best way to keep your
v**ina healthy is by drinking water at regular intervals. Water
helps to throw out bacteria present in the body in the form of
urine, and helps in boosting your vaginal health.—
Check strange vaginal behaviour – If you notice a
strange, smelly vaginal discharge, excess itching or unusual
colour then it is important that you treat these symptoms by
consulting your doctor, in order to prevent it from getting
Go for a Pap Smear – Since cancer is on the rise, it is
best to prevent it rather than treat it. The best way to
prevent cancer of the cervix is to take a pap smear test at
least once a year or as advised by your doctor. This will save
your life and keep your v**ina healthy.
Source: Times of India

The 11 Differences Between Dating A Girl And A Woman

A boy is attracted to girls. A man
is attracted to women. Now,
this has nothing to do with the
actual age of a person. I’m
referring to maturity, life vision
and stage of life. In fact, some
people regardless of their age,
will never really grow up. Also, this isn’t to say that a woman
won’t ever have “girlish” or immature tendencies or vice versa.
This post refers to one’s maturity and most points would also
apply if you switch the genders as well.
you are a boy, then expect that you will attract only girls.
However, if you are a man (independent, knows your worth
and value, has a strong moral compass, is considerate and an
able communicator and doesn’t let insecurity dominate your
psyche), then you should be dating a woman. And if you can’t
spot the difference just yet, here are some pointers:
1. A girl throws tantrums. When displeased, upset or angry,
she reacts just as she did as a child when she didn’t get her
way with her parents. This often consists of screaming,
pouting, giving the silent treatment, being passive, aggressive
and/or punishing. A woman still feels the emotions of being
upset/displeased, but has cultivated the skill of responding
versus reacting. She comes to the table as an adult, and
communicates clearly what is bothering her.
2. A girl perceives herself as a princess and believes people
should treat her like so. She is entitled and feels that she is
owed and therefore expects more than she appreciates. A
woman, has standards (what she holds herself to) not
expectations (what she projects on to others).
3. A girl uses her physical beauty as her currency and basis of
value. A girl may be so used to feeling validated through her
looks and se*uality, that she uses this as her primary tool to
get what she wants in life. A woman, knows her worth is
beyond her physicality. A woman bases her value on her
intelligence, her strength, her integrity, her values, her
contributions, her humanity.
4. A girl banks on a man to be her financial strategy. A woman
plans to be financially independent — she banks on… herself.
And if she so happens to enter a relationship dynamic where
it makes sense for her partner to be the primary
breadwinner, it’s considered a bonus, not the expected life
5. A girl sees the world from a place of lack and scarcity. She
competes and will even tear down another in order to secure
resources or a mate. A woman helps other women. She knows
that there’s plenty enough to go around and takes the high
road of integrity to get what she wants.
6. A girl cannot be bothered with anything domestic and is
proud of the fact that she cannot cook or clean. A woman
understands that being domestic is not a duty, but
understands that it is one way of taking care of herself and
others. She also understands that in the event she wants to
create a family, having a person in the household who can
contribute domestically is important.
7. “A girl wants attention, a woman wants respect. A girl
wants to be adored by many. A woman wants to be adored by
one.” -anonymous
8. A girl does not respect her body. She has not yet
understood that her body and heart are sacred, and that it’s
important to be mindful of how she treats it and who she
shares it with.
9. A woman takes the time to reflect on the type of human
she wants to be, the example she wants to leave and the
vision for her life. She has put thought into her values and
what she stands for. A girl has not established her moral
compass or values and consequently, is often inconsistent.
10. A girl has a checklist that prioritizes superficial qualities
above anything else. Here is an example of how this checklist
may look: Hot, popular, wears skinny jeans, over six feet tall,
rich.. This is the checklist of what a woman may look for: High
integrity, intelligent, kind, good communicator, emotionally
Now, a lot of these differences require taking the time to
know someone to figure out if the apple of your eye is indeed
a mature woman, or someone with an immature mindset.
However, one of the quickest filters that you can notice from
the beginning is this:
11. A girl plays games. A woman doesn’t.

4 Types of S*x to Avoid, No Matter How Good it Feels

S-E-X! It may be good for your heart, great for
your mood and even work wonders on your skin, but
not all types offer the same benefits.
Sometimes s*x can make a bad situation worse and leave you
wishing you hadn’t wasted your good underwear & clean
sheets on a brief fling with s*xual mediocrity.
Here are the 4 types of s*x to avoid at all cost.
Break-Up s*x: It may seem appealing to take one last ride
on that pony for old time’s sake, but the consequences will
likely outweigh the benefits. You’re breaking up, which means
something isn’t working. And even if s*x isn’t the cause of
your break-up, it can complicate an already delicate situation.
For instance, it’s easy for your partner to misconstrue your
intentions. When it comes to break-up s*x, you don’t want
your “It has been a pleasure doing business with you,” to be
misinterpreted for a “Thank you. Come again!” Even if you’re
the type who makes your intentions crystal clear, science still
offers warnings against break-up s*x. Romantic rejection
and heartbreak trigger the same parts of the brain associated
with pain, distress and addiction. It takes time to reduce these
triggers and when the wound is fresh, you don’t want to train
your body to link s*x with these conditions.
Drunk s*x: A few drinks may loosen you up and help you to
shed your inhibitions, but be sure to limit how many glasses
you down as you may end up shedding and downing more than
you bargained for. “Bottom’s up” may be in good fun at the
bar, but you need to decide whether you’re open to letting it
take on a whole new meaning bedside. If you plan on drinking,
bear in mind that alcohol impairs your judgment. Booze goggles
not only cause light-of-day regret the following morning, but
also reduce the likelihood of using condoms and other safer
s*x tools – so plan ahead. And that liquid confidence may
seemingly improve your performance on the dance floor, but it
can have the opposite effect sexually. Alcohol impacts your
body’s s*xual response and circulation making erections and
lubrication harder to come by.
Self-Pity s*x (The One Night Stand): If you’re having a
little pity party for yourself and think that a one-night stand
will elevate your spirits, you may want to think again –
especially if you’re a woman. While a one-time roll in the hay
(or nightclub restroom stall) can be fun for some, women
seem to get the short end of the stick when it comes to
casual s*x. And the short sticks aren’t to blame. Research
shows that over half (54 per cent) of women often feel
disappointed by one-night stands and report high levels of
regret the morning after. On the other hand, 80 per cent of
men feel positively about the experience and say that it helps
them to blow off some steam. Steam? Is that what they’re
calling it these days? So before you take the plunge and turn
to casual s*x to lift your spirits, be sure to consider other
ways to crash the pity party.
Make-Up s*x: Experts are split on this one and you can
decide for yourself whether make-up s*x works for you.
Some psychologists believe that it rewards fighting, drama
and generally bad behaviour. They suggest that couples are
dealing with intensely negative emotions and instead of finding
a resolution, they seek an opposite experience (pleasure) in
s*x. They argue that this type of s*x isn’t “real intimacy” and
that it can lead to loneliness and the belief that everything can
be fixed with s*x. What a world it would be if this were true!
If you find yourself enticed by these four types of s*x, you
may want to take a moment to reconsider. And if you’re still
tempted, at least consider the laundry!
Source: MSN

For Ladies – 4 Reasons You NEED a Guy Friend

When gals are having issues with their boyfriends, fiancés,
husbands, boy-toys or one night stands… who do they turn
Women seek out advice from their best girl friends or their
best gay friends. Not a bad move, but perhaps not the best
move. Why? Because your girlfriends don’t know what they’re
talking about and your gay friends, in all likelihood, don’t have
the same experiences as their straight counterparts
Reasons You NEED A Guy Friend
1. We know what we’re talking about. I’m always amazed at
how much awful advice is served up to women by other
women. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat down with a
female friend who followed the council of one of their
girlfriends regarding a relationship with a guy, only to have the
whole thing blow up in her face. Let me say this in no uncertain
much the same way guys need to admit that they don’t know
women the way they think they do, women should do the
same. Problems with your guy? Talk to another guy.
2. It’s an easy friendship. Your relationship with your guy
friend will be much less dramatic than one with with your lady
friends. I’m aware of the incredible bond between female best
friends and the sisterhood of women. But I’m ALSO aware of
the myriad pitfalls inherent in those relationships. Feelings get
hurt or someone gets offended by a perceived slight, which
then turns into a far bigger deal than it needed to be. With
guys, even when there’s a big disagreement, it usually flares
up and gets resolved quickly. Listen, there’s a reason there’s
no show on Bravo called “The Real House Husbands.” Think
about it.
3. You learn about men. It’s like watching an animal in its
natural habitat. Many times you can simply watch and learn
more about guys buy simply hanging out and being “one of the
guys.” Those of you who have already experienced this know
that we’re not always the most mature creatures, but you
also come to understand and appreciate the straightforward
simplicity of the way most guys communicate just by being a
part of the gang. Understanding how guys deal with each
other will absolutely help you with your other experiences
with men.
4. It’s a great way to meet guys. If you’re a single woman,
there’s no better way to meet men than through your guy
friends. Your guy friend is going to be one tough screener. He’ll
be happy to hook you up with one of his buddies if he believes
the dude is decent enough for you.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Nigeria’s 5 Most Humble Celebrities

1. 2Face Idibia

There is nobody on earth that could contest 2Face’s position on this list. Say what you want about his marital life, or the life of his baby mamas.. One thing for sure is that 2Face is always kind and giving to his fans. Never does he act proud, or carry himself like he is more than he is. Even though he is an international superstar who has opened the doors for SO MANY young Nigerian artists who are making it big in this day and age.

2. Olamide

The voice of the street! EVERYONE LOVES OLAMIDE. Men, Women, Boys, Girls. Everyone loves Olamide period. Because he raps from his heart. He doesn’t try to fake an accent. He doesn’t try to fit a mold just to try and break into a different genre. It may have taken him a little bit of time, but Olamide is now officially in the spotlight. He is now officially in the lime light. He is probably among Nigeria’s top 3 most sought after musicians today.

3. Genevieve
The beautiful Genevieve. Many call her the most beautiful woman in Africa. Whether you agree or not, one thing is for sure…She’s a damn good actress with a classy and sophisticated fashion sense! She is praised by many around the globe, and she always takes time to remember where she comes from. Even when baited to bad mouth her country in international news interviews, she refuses to say anything bad about Naija. Got to love her for that!

4. Don Jazzy

Don Baba! Don Jay! Don Jazzy is probably one of the most vocal celebrities out there. But we’ve never known him for being vocal in a negative manner. He has fun conversing with his fans on twitter, and if it’s the right day.. He’ll even throw out a couple of free recharge cards!

5. Funke Akindele

Despite the controversy surrounding her divorce right now, Funke Akindele is still managing to make us smile with her movie roles. She has sky rocketed into the lime light ever since her role in Jenifa, and she has managed to maintain a humble and appreciative attitude throughout. She’s a beautiful and very entertaining actress.